Thursday, October 9, 2008


Last Night, Santa Barbara:

At this point in the tour I am in a perpetual state of exhaustion, even though I do almost nothing all day other than abuse the juicer in catering. I am so drained by the monotony that I lay down under the table in the green room before the show.

The last few shows have been in South California, so I've gotten a flood of requests for backstage passes. Here's a little secret about backstage: it is a spirit-sucking black hole of fun, combining the worst aspects of motels, convention centers and the waiting room at your dentist's office. If that sounds like your idea of a good time, please feel free to stay the fuck away from me on Halloween.

Before tonight's show I finally have a (very) brief conversation with RADIOHEN's Tom York, who I'm pleased to report is as tiny as I am. After the show, everyone hugs backstage and we get in the big white van one last time, setting our course for the EAST SIDE...

[Backstage Party Action, 2008-style]

[Ed's Pedal Board. Or Collin's. Not sure.]